In Muzaffarpur, funds are being raised for AES affected children though shoe polish

In Muzaffarpur, funds are being raised for AES affected children though shoe polish
Photo courtesy: NDTV

The members of Jan Adhikar Chhatra Parishad in Bihar’s Patna have evolved a unique strategy to raise funds for the children affected by Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES). They have been polishing shoes and the money earned from that will be donated to hospitals. Several crores of rupees are being spent across the county on celebrations and renovations while children who desperately require basic healthcare. Currently, 139 children have succumbed to the disease. Earlier several bones were found near Muzaffarpur hospital and it is being said that they belonged to the dead children whose bodies were not claimed by anyone.

Source: Twitter

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  • 22 Jun 2019
  • WerIndia

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