Cash Crunch For Real Estate Loan Borrow Increases By Four Percent

Cash Crunch For Real Estate Loan Borrow Increases By Four Percent

Developers and builders of real estate are slowly running through crisis as the bank borrow  rates has increased to 20 percent in last ten years with 4% in ten years . Goenka managing director of Nisus Finance Services Co. said “Even at that cost, capital availability is limited.”

Sales of flats in the top cities has dropped to about 13 percent, that also limited the paying of the debts which has forced the developers to end up their assets. Expectation by few developers that the budget July 5 will help them with partial credit guarantee on the high priced sectors related to investments of the finance may help the real estate developers.

Source:Economic Times

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  • 15 Jul 2019
  • WerIndia

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