Virat Kohli On Equal Footing To MS Dhoni Wins 27 Test As Captain

Virat Kohli On Equal Footing To MS Dhoni Wins 27 Test As Captain
Photo courtesy: Hindustan times

India playing with West Indies has won the test match by 318 runs in the first test played at the Sir Viv Richards Stadium at Antigua. Virat Kohli has won 27 test matches as Dhoni and the next win of test match in Jamaica will leave behind the record of former Dhoni in test wins.
Virat Kohli ranks the top as the Indian captain in test matches, with a winning rate of 57.44 percent. Only Indian captain to win more than 50 percent of the matches.

Source: Hindustan Times

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  • 29 Aug 2019
  • WerIndia

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