Abhijit Banerjee Another Indian To Win; Nobel Winner In Economics

Abhijit Banerjee Another Indian To Win Nobel Winner In Economics
Photo courtesy: Rediff Mail

The Presidency University has declared the Nobel winner in Economics for 2019 is Abhijit Banerjee. He is an Indian- American who won the Nobel Prize with his wife Esther Duflo and Micheal Kremer.

The experiments held by Abhijit Banerjee for reducing the poverty worldwide has helped to far extent. Abhijit Banerjee graduated from University Of Calcutta, Jawaharlal Nehru University and completed his PhD in 1988 from Harvard University. Currently is in ford foundation International, professor of Economics in Massachuesetts Institute of Technology.  The Nobel Prize Winner will be felicitated with honor after Durga Puja.

Source: Rediff mail

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  • 14 Oct 2019
  • WerIndia

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