National Herald Case
Photo courtesy: The Logical Indian

Based on a complaint of alleged “cheating” of over 2,000 crores by Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and other parties, a court case is being fought in the Delhi High Court. Sonia & Rahul Gandhi have tried so many ways to delay and block these proceedings. The latest in their antics is a petition filed with the Supreme Court of India – their reason, Swamy is a political opponent (even though this case was filed in 2012 well before Swamy was a political opponent), to recognize their “deep roots in society”, and that these criminal proceedings would cause irreparable damage to their reputation. Perhaps they should have thought about these things before they did whatever actions they took, realizing that no one is above the law indefinitely…

Source: The Hindu

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  • 8 Feb 2016
  • WerIndia

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