Pakistan Gone Mad! Pakistani YouTube Channel Following The Release Of ‘The Kashmir Files’ Claims That ‘Kashmiri Hindus Were RSS People Who Killed Their Own People To Target Muslims’

Pakistan Gone Mad! Pakistani YouTube Channel Following The Release Of ‘The Kashmir Files’ Claims That ‘Kashmiri Hindus Were RSS People Who Killed Their Own People To Target Muslims’
Photo courtesy: Opindia

The stunning admiration and acclaim that the film ‘The Kashmir Files’, which chronicles the genocide suffered by Kashmiri Pandits at the hands of Islamic terrorists, has received since its release has pricked the wrong nerve of radical Islamists in Pakistan. Haqeeqat TV, a Pakistani YouTube channel, has since harshly criticised the film, calling it sham and an anti-Muslim propaganda film that is bereft of facts.


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  • 15 Mar 2022
  • WerIndia

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