Invest Rs. 10 Crore To Get Precious Indian Residency

Indian Citizenship
Photo courtesy: Google

With the aim to spur investment and job creation in India and to provide a safe home, Indian government now offers permanent residency status for individuals and their families. Previously, India has announced life-time visa, residency and citizenship for minorities of neighboring countries which includes – Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Christians, Parsis and others who are not safe in those countries. We expect these programmes to be further broadened leading to citizenship. While ordinary Indians may not realize it, and there are some who want to see India broken up (read JNU protesters or Kashmir rebels, or even some in our media), there are large number of admirers for India and many waiting for a chance to settle in India.

Source: NDTV

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  • 1 Sep 2016
  • WerIndia

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