Leftist Indian Intellectuals Are Copycats With Ideas Decades Behind Their Foreign Leaders…

Normally intellectuals by definition are forward looking high-thinkers, but not so in the case of the Indian leftist ones. You know when you see them – several current and former Jawaharlal Nehru University alumni, from Jadavpur University and other leftist universities and some who pass opinion from the power center of Delhi. They celebrate the “lal salaam” or red salute even though it is decades outdated. They want us to follow ideas of Stalin and Lenin of Russia even though the mother country Russia and former Soviet Union countries have moved on to their former traditional values. These intellectuals and the naxalites in different parts follow the Maoist ideas of China while is very capitalistic in nature and building Confucian and Buddhist schools and temples. So perhaps these “misguided” intellectuals need to go to school again…
Source: Swarajyamag
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- 17 Oct 2016
- WerIndia