No Women’s Day for Kerala – Losses for Only 1 Community?

No Women's Day for Kerala - Losses for Only 1 Community?
Photo courtesy: Google

So many women have been raped or killed in Kerala. Bhavana a well know actress of the standard of Priyanka Chopra, was abducted in broad daylight and raped and videotaped. Soumya was thrown from the ladies compartment and raped and then killed. Jisha, a law student, was tortured and murdered in the most brutal and painful fashion. Kokila Kumar, a 23-year-old Kollam councillor was killed in a a hit-and-run but rumour has it that this was a contract killing. There are other such stories of Reshmi and Saritha. So many horror stories and the list goes on. And news reports go on to point out that most of the victims are hindus. So what Women’s Day will Kerala celebrate?

Source: Swarajyamag

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  • 10 Mar 2017
  • WerIndia

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