Why PM Modi Has Chosen Vivekananda Rock Memorial As His Meditation Retreat

Vivekananda Memorial
Photo courtesy: First Post

This afternoon (30 May), Prime Minister Narendra Modi will travel from New Delhi to Thiruvananthapuram and then to Kanyakumari. Unlike the previous times where he’s travelled to the South for election campaigning, this time around the visit is personal. The PM is going on a meditation retreat for three days, until 1 June, to the Vivekananda Rock Memorial.

PM Modi’s meditation visit to the Vivekananda Rock Memorial is quite similar to the one he undertook in 2019 and in 2014 after the Lok Sabha election seasons ended. While in 2019, he visited Kedarnath, he visited Pratapgarh in 2014.


Read more at: https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/pm-narendra-modi-vivekananda-rock-memorial-meditation-retreat-kanyakumar-significance-politics-13776729.html


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  • 31 May 2024
  • WerIndia

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