Western Interference In Bharat’s Elections To Push Their Neo-colonial Agenda Remains The Biggest Threat: Disinfolab Report

Western Media
Photo courtesy: Hindu Post

Millions of dollars funded to impact Indian Election results! Just concluded Lok Sabha Elections-2024 reported massive interference from China to Israel. However, the most significant remains obscure – The Western interference: From EU to the US! A thread: These elections saw the most intrusive foreign reporting – overwhelmingly negative and obviously brazen. Tropes from the ‘Western media’ heavily laced with hyper adjectives and double standards forcing a meta narrative into the bloodstream of internet.

Read more at: https://hindupost.in/world/western-interference-in-bharats-elections-to-push-their-neo-colonial-agenda-remains-the-biggest-threat-disinfolab-report/


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  • 7 Jun 2024
  • WerIndia

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