Islamic Scholar Abu Najm Celebrates The Massacre Of Hindus In Bangladesh, Urges Muslims To Destroy Temples

Islamic Scholar
Photo courtesy: OpIndia

The systematic targeting of Hindus in Bangladesh by radical Muslims has given rise to the homicidal fantasies of several Islamists worldwide, who are eagerly anticipating the killings to escalate into a pogrom and massacre of the last alive Hindu in the country. Abu Najm Fernando bin al-Iskandar who lives in the United States, claims to be a PhD student specialising in “Islamic studies” and defines himself as an “indigenous Muslim.” He has spent more than 20 years researching and teaching ‘Islamic sciences’ but his primary occupation is to spread hate against Kufar or Kafir (infidels) and harbour illusions about their subjugation or execution at the hands of Muslims.

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  • 9 Aug 2024
  • WerIndia

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