Trump’s H1B Visa Restriction – A Real Opportunity For Indian IT Companies…

Trump's H1B Visa Restriction - A Real Opportunity For Indian IT Companies...
Photo courtesy: Business Standard

US President as part of the “Buy American, Hire American” executive order, now seeks to put major restrictions on Indian technology sub-contractors – Infosys, TCS, Wipro, Cognizant normal business. The US order is in USA’s best interests. Indian companies – including IT companies should look at this as an opportunity and change their business models and business practices to succeed. Knowledgeable people would say our companies are doing business the same easy business of hiring thousands of programmers to do simple / basic coding work and project management since Y2K – life was comfortable with multi-year contracts. Change is a fact of life and complaining and sulking wont do. This is business and our IT companies which are amongst the richest need to think strategically and take calculated risks in this new era to succeed.

Source: Reuters

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  • 24 Apr 2017
  • WerIndia

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