Any Surprise Here? Sonia & Rahul Helping In Congress Mukt Bharat…

Not A Joke, Rahul Gandhi Is Planning To Read The Gita, Upanishads, etc....
Photo courtesy: Business Standard

While only poor Rahul Gandhi gets blamed, but the common man in India with a lot of common sense will tell you ==> both Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi are responsible for the INCREASING SPEED OF CONGRESS MUKHT BHARAT.

So many reasons:

1) excessive corruption,

2) blatant minority appeasement – look what did and is happening in Karnataka, Kerala, Kashmir, and on and on,

3) out of touch with people,

4) no pride in the country,

5) undemocratic parties with disrespect and near abuse of for party leaders,

6) raking up unrelated old issues, and on and on.

A healthy democracy need a strong, energetic and constructive opposition. The dying Congress, India’s oldest party is certainly not the one to provide that.

Source: Business Standard

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  • 27 Jul 2017
  • WerIndia

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