Chinese Soldiers, China Go Gaga Over Our Lady Defence Minister “Namaste”…

Chinese Soldiers, China Go Gaga Over Our Lady Defense Minister "Namaste"...
Photo courtesy: Deccan Chronicle

Nirmala Sitharaman, the recently appointed and India’s first ever Lady Defence Minister paid a visit to the sensitive Nathu La, the Sikkim – Tibet (disputed territory) border point. All Ms. Sitharam said was the simple and the common “NAMASTE” forcing the Chinese Generals to return the favour and the Chinese media to gaga over this – and seeing it as goodwill gesture – after them trying to force a war on India and Bhutan just several weeks earlier. The video went viral. [Weeks earlier viral videos were circulating about the overconfident and cocky outcome of a India-China war…] Coming back to the minister action, this natural gesture was most likely spontaneous. All this just leaves us wondering as to what prevents the Chinese or the Pakistanis to dwell in some simple actions to build goodwill, rather than trying to kill our soldiers and people or disturb border peace?

Source: NDTV

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  • 10 Oct 2017
  • WerIndia

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