Social Media Says People Are Very Angry With The SC’s Diwali Firecracker Ban…

Social Media Says People Are Very Angry With The SC's Diwali Firecracker Ban
Photo courtesy: Daily Pioneer

News reports say that the Supreme Court order on the Diwali firecracker ban mentions “Diwali” in almost every paragraph and in a few instances “Dussehra”.

They have had UNILATERIAL RULINGS – REALLY RESTRICTIONS on Dahi Handi of Krishna Janmasthmi, during Holi and the Jallikattu (bull-hugging race). People feel that Hindu festivals are being unfairly targeted and these rulings are either stopping their celebrations or taking joy out of them. Social media where people are really angry about this most recent and all earlier restrictions, they have listed many instances of intolerance of Hindu culture.

Diwali firecrackers are arguably a small part of the pollution, while many other aspects – car and bus traffic, construction, fires from nearby states all account for huge pollution in Delhi. The honorable Supreme Court has taken the easiest and most controversial step with this firecracker ban – with no scientific backup. Does the Court care about people’s sentiments? Most people would say – they do not based on views expressed in various media…

Source: Daily Pioneer

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  • 20 Oct 2017
  • WerIndia

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