Possible Shock For H1B Visa Holders, Spouses & Families…

Possible Shock For H1B Visa Holders, Spouses & Families...
Photo courtesy: NDTV

The current US government is drafting new rules to prevent or limit in a big way current H1B work visa holders from extending their visa status which allows them to continue their employment and stay in USA as they wait for their permanent residency green cards. While citizens of many countries would be hard by this, this hits Indians hardest ==> nearly 5 Lac to 7.5 Lac Indians and an equal number of their spouses and even children. If the rumored harsh rules become law, potentially nearly 10 to 15 Lakh Indians including families may have to suddenly leave or be deported from USA. Most are likely to be mid-career so they are likely to face a harsh and uncertain future… We all are hoping for the best…

Source: NDTV

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  • 8 Jan 2018
  • WerIndia

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