India’s Pleasure – Pakistan On Global Terror Finance List…

India's Pleasure - Pakistan On Global Terror Finance List...

In another Indian foreign policy win, Pakistan has been put on the global terror finance watch list. However after heavy push back from its supporting countries – Saudi Arabia and the GCC, China and Turkey, this action was delayed to start in June. The significance of this move is several – it means that officially Pakistan either support or is involved in terrorism activities and as a result funds flow in to and out of Pakistan will be heavily scrutinized by banks and their respective countries. Borrowing funds from overseas will be both difficult and expensive and there are other negatives.

NOW EVERY PAKISTANI ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD (which compares itself to India and feels itself to be unlike Afghanistan) WILL FEEL THE BLACK MARK OF THIS ACTION.

Source: New Indian Express

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  • 28 Feb 2018
  • WerIndia

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