USA’s Putting Pressure On India – May Not Work…

At the very last minute, US cancelled a 2+2 meeting of Defence and Foreign Ministers of both countries and the excuse was “unavoidable” reasons.
USA wants many things from India:
* to cut oil imports from Iran. Iran is India’s 3rd largest oil supplier after Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
* based on our critical need, India is going ahead with Russia on the S-400 advanced air defence missile system and USA is trying to both isolate Russia but also generate more business for its own industry.
* India-USA defence and trade foundation agreements. USA wants India to sign these which puts India in a severe bind gives USA special treatment on multiple areas.
Obviously, India has refused on all fronts. It has rightly said it will abide by UN security council resolutions and nothing else to please any country especially those which are a fraction of its size – all but 1 country in the world fall in this category. THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE.
Source: Times of India
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- 3 Jul 2018
- WerIndia