India Gifts Cows To Rwanda – Like India, Cows Are Sacred…

India Gifts Cows To Rwanda
Photo courtesy: Swarajyamag

PM Modi visit to Rawanda, was the first ever by an Indian prime minister to country that has witnessed so much strife. The most amazing part of the visit was India’s gift of hundreds of cows to poor families in villages of Rawanda.

Indians would be pleased to learn that just in India, Rwandas consider the cow sacred, they don’t eat beef and welcome the cows from pasture everytime – i.e. every day, and milk is considered sacred and is part of every meal. Even though the country went through forced conversion from their native religion to Christianity, the country has maintained the high esteem that the cow is held in…

Source: Swarajyamag

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  • 30 Jul 2018
  • WerIndia

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