‘About Time … India To Curb & Put Checks On Tech Giants…

India To Curb
Photo courtesy: Google

For most educated people in the world, Apple, Amazon, Facebook and Google are practically controlling their lives – people are addicted to them and through our usage have access and control of all kinds of personal data. For the growing Indian smartphone users – over 400 million at last count, this is not different.

So on eve of our Independence day, we learn that Indian government wants to put “some checks” on these tech giants. Some of these include: –

Require all citizens data as it relates to e-commerce, social media, search engines to be stored “exclusively in India”. This also applies to Indian companies that have data stored overseas. Yes this will cause some additional data center costs but don’t forget that we are the second largest internet market and the fastest growing one in the world.

– Indian government wants to level the playing field and encourage domestic innovation to boost the Indian digital economy.

– Close some loopholes that give favourable treatment to foreign e-commerce companies that skirt around foreign ownership rules.

In some ways, we are learning from China which has done these things successfully and also has a world class tech industry and companies. SO AS WE GET READY TO CELEBRATE INDEPENDENCE DAY, INDIAN GOVERNMENT IS WORKING TO ENABLE INDIA AND CRORES OF INDIANS TO GAIN INDEPENDENCE FROM THE GLOBAL TECH GIANTS…this should long overdue and we all should welcome that!!!

As usual the technical industry SURPRISING THOSE IN INDIA ARE OPPOSING. Not sure what is wrong with them – or perhaps they want to be controlled by the industry of another country…

Source: Morningstar

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  • 14 Aug 2018
  • WerIndia

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