Jammu and Kashmir Issue To Involve UNO, Nehru’s Decision Against “The Iron Man”.

Jammu and Kashmir Issue To Involve UNO, Nehru’s Decision Against “The Iron Man”.
Photo courtesy: Postcard news

Jammu and Kashmir saw the first cursed war between India and Pakistan immediately after Independence when Nehru was the Prime Minister of India. In order to retain India’s independence heading peace, Nehru reached UN, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel had no information and without Patel’s consent, then reached to UNO.
In absence of Sardarji, utilizing his absence,he was in Assam, had pleaded to the International Court of Justice to resolve the problem of Jammu and Kashmir. Nehru did so because he did not want any more fights or wars just after India’s Independence. Sardar Vallabhbhai was highly disappointed with the steps and decision that was taken by Nehru, said he will cry for this decision. Finally revolting back was the one way instead of ” peace or ahimsa” though losing the peace again with new war would have driven India into a different awful period.

Source: Postcard news

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  • 25 Feb 2019
  • WerIndia

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