India Prime Minister Indicates Rahul Gandhi To 40 Year Old Dyslexia Disorder.

India Prime Minister Indicates Rahul Gandhi To 40 Year Old Dyslexia Disorder.
Photo courtesy: The wire

Inspired by the movie, “Taare Zameen Par” an engineering student was giving a presentation to India’s Prime Minister on the project based on dyslexia children and the different way to help them explaining through the project participating on ‘Smart India Hackathon‘. While Modi asked her whether it can help a 40-year-old dyslexia man, indicating Rahul Gandhi as mentioned by the known sources.
According to the report of 2013, the students suffering from dyslexia is about 228,994,454 studying in different schools. Tweets on the issue as mentioning about the 40 years old man has turned out to be slamming Modi including National Platform for the rights of the disabled.

Source: India Today



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