Ambani’s Megacity In Mumbai City To Draw $75 Billions Investments In Upcoming 10 years

Ambani’s Megacity In Mumbai City To Draw $75 Billions Investments In Upcoming 10 years
Photo courtesy: Guardian

Reliance Industries of Ambani  has finally determined to develop the Megacity Project as the consent of conversion from SEZ to the Integrated Industrial Area as per the rule is completed the phase. The Megacity Project will be planned with the connectivity to the airport, sea port and sea link.

About thousands of businesses will be accommodated in the Megacity along with employments for a millions of Indians in the bed of the Mumbai city that will develop several investors to investments of $75 billions as the days crosses till the 10 years from its startup of the business and scopes of investments.

Source: Economic Times

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  • 9 Apr 2019
  • WerIndia

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