India Congress Party Compares Indian Farmers To Scammer Nirav Modi

India Congress Party Compares Indian Farmers To Scammer Nirav Modi
Photo courtesy: Indian Express

India Congress Party indicating about Nirav Modi who fled away from India with a scandal of crores from India is a criminal is compared with the farmers with the loan waive. Exactly it becomes difficult to seek the reason to compare the scammer and farmers.
Finally seems like the farmers can take the maximum number of loans and will be not put to jail no matter if he is capable of returning back the capital and interests of the loan. Farmers are not scammers and indebt farmers did not or cannot flee as Nirav Modi. India Congress Party should be clear of the fact that if Indian farmers are put to debt free counter then it should be because of the inflation of products or incapable of clearing the debt.

Source: News 18

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  • 18 Apr 2019
  • WerIndia

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