Nirmala Sitharaman appointed as the Finance Minister of India at a time of economic stress

Nirmala Sitharaman appointed as the Finance Minister of India at a time of economic stress
Photo courtesy: Business Line

Nirmala Sitharaman steps into former Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s shoes and takes on the massive responsibility of India’s economic growth and stability. It is a matter of pride for the women of India that a strong woman like Nirmala Sitharaman is a Union Minister in the top 4 ministries for the second time. Previously the Defence Minister, Sitharaman has now been entrusted with India’s finances. Her calibre and experience is crucial as India’s GDP hit a new low since the past 5 years around the time that she took her oath. The GDP for the fiscal year 2018-19 fell to 6.8 while the unemployment rate increased. The country looks forward to Nirmala Sitharaman’s work and is hopeful that she will live up to the faith the Prime Minister has shown.

Source: Twitter

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  • 1 Jun 2019
  • WerIndia

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