Journalist attacked by Railway Police for derailment cover. Is journalism free in India?

Journalist attacked by Railway Police for derailment cover. Is journalism free in India?
Photo courtesy: Twitter

Journalism and free press are one of the markers of democracy. Freedom of speech and expression is been curbed increasingly due to various reasons such as politics. Recently a journalist from Uttar Pradesh was abused for covering a train derailment. The journalist was beaten up and stripped by the Railway Police. The officials even went on to urinate in his mouth. This is a violation of basic human rights and in a larger sense, democracy. The journalist Amit Sharma said that he was captured because of a story published by him the previous month against the railway police. A journalist was previously jailed for running a story which allegedly defamed Yogi Adityanath. In a democracy, people have the fundamental right to voice their opinions. Journalists run the risk of losing their lives for expressing their opinions which is not democratic in any sense.

Source: Twitter

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  • 12 Jun 2019
  • WerIndia

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