Hypoglycaemia among children is causing death in Bihar

Hypoglycaemia among children is causing death in Bihar
Photo courtesy: Sify

Hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar levels among children in Bihar’s Muzaffarpur is becoming a cause for death. Many young infants and children from impoverished families and those who receive inadequate nutrition become hypoglycaemic. Around 43 children have died in the recent past due to low blood sugar levels. Previously it was being told that there had been an outbreak of brain fever which was the cause of so many deaths. Though ORS packets have been sent to be given to the children, there are lapses in the process and officers have not been active and efficient in distributing them. Union Minister for Health, Harsh Vardhan is set to visit Muzaffarpur in order to review the situation and identify lapses.

Source: Twitter

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  • 13 Jun 2019
  • WerIndia

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