387 ‘Moplah Martyrs’ To Be Removed From The Dictionary Of Martyrs Of India’s Freedom Struggle

Malabar Rebellion leaders Variamkunnath Kunhamed Haji, Ali Musaliar and 387 other “Moplah martyrs” will be removed from the Dictionary of Martyrs of India’s Freedom Struggle.
A three-member panel, which reviewed the entries in the fifth volume of the dictionary, brought out by the Indian Council for Historical Research (ICHR), is understood to have recommended the deletion as it felt that the 1921 rebellion was never part of the independence struggle but a fundamentalist movement focused on religious conversion. None of the slogans raised by the rioters were in favour of nationalism and anti-British in content, it noted.
Read more at: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/387-moplah-martyrs-to-be-removed-from-dictionary/article36044808.ece
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- 24 Aug 2021
- WerIndia