As Hamas Chief Is Killed In Iran, Read How Hamas Was Funding SIMI In India And How Radical Roots Of PFI, SDPI Are Interwoven

Hamas SIMI
Photo courtesy: OpIndia

Amidst the continuous conflict between Israel and Palestine, Hamas, the terrorist group based in Palestine, stated in a statement on 31st July that its political leader Ismail Haniyeh and one of his bodyguards had been killed in Tehran. The dreaded terrorist organisation was formed in late 1987 at the beginning of the first Palestinian intifada (uprising) and has roots in the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Notably, the group behind the horrific attack on Israel on 7th October is not only responsible for terrorism in the Jewish country or the Middle East, but also has penetrated its venomous claws in India as well.

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  • 1 Aug 2024
  • WerIndia

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