Assembly By-Poll Telangana Today With 53 Percent Turnout Voter Till 1 PM

Assembly By-Poll Telangana Today With 53 Percent Turnout Voter Till 1 PM
Photo courtesy: Firstpost

Assembly polls records a 53 percent of voters turnout till 1 pm on Monday at the by-poll Telangana today, Huzurnagar Assembly constituencies. The polls had began at 7 am, that continued till 5 pm and about 2.36 lakh voters has voted till 1 pm.

The security arrangements were strong and so no records of violence found in the by-poll Telangana area Huzurnagar. The votes will be counted on 24th October 2019.

Source:First Post

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  • 21 Oct 2019
  • WerIndia

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