‘Cash For Query’ Row: Darshan Hiranandani’s Confession Shakes Up Mohua Moitra’s Stand

In a major setback to Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Mohua Moitra in the “cash for query” scam, Darshan Hiranandani, on October 19, reportedly shifted sides, taking up the approver’s role with his confession about using Mitra’s parliamentary login to raise questions from the Centre. The defamation lawsuit Moitra filed against BJP MP Nishikant Dubey, who accused her of accepting “bribes” from a businessman to raise questions in Parliament, will be heard on October 20. Hiranandani’s confession came just a day before the scheduled hearing.
Read more at: https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/tmc-mp-mahua-moitra-targeted-adani-to-malign-modi-darshan-hiranandani-11567091.html
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- 20 Oct 2023
- WerIndia