Crumbling state of Lakshman Jhula leads to its closure

Crumbling state of Lakshman Jhula leads to its closure
Photo courtesy: Patrika

The Lakshman Jhula bridge in Rishikesh has been closed for public moevment for the first time in 90 years due to its fragile and crumbling state. The overuse and overload of the bridge had lead to damage as it has started tipping over to one side. The bridge was built in 1923 and has been one of Rishikesh’s landmarks and has also been mentioned as a setting in several literary works. The decision to restrict movement on the bridge has been a timely one as any further delay could have led to a major accident. The bridge has not had regular maintenance due to which officials are considering a complete dismantling of it.

Source: Twitter

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  • 12 Jul 2019
  • WerIndia

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