‘Don’t Want Fake Sympathies From Perpetrators Of 1984 Sikh Genocide’: Posters Come Up In Lucknow Ahead of Rahul Gandhi’s Lakhimpur Kheri Visit

Posters have been put up at various places along the route to the Lucknow airport ahead of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s scheduled visit to Lakhimpur Kheri. In these posters, Rahul Gandhi and Congress have been targeted for using the Lakhimpur Kheri flare-up to gain political mileage.
Read more at: https://www.opindia.com/2021/10/posters-slamming-gandhis-come-up-ahead-of-rahul-gandhis-lakhimpur-kheri-visit/
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- 7 Oct 2021
- WerIndia