Earlier Main Bhi Chowkidar Cups And Now Sab ke Liye Awas In Indian Railways Tickets

Narendra Modi is popular and his popularity has increased after the retaliation By Indian Government after the Pulwama Attack. Pakistan had nothing to do after the Air Strike that has suspended the terrorist attacks on India till far Extent.
Campaign for the lok Sabha elections has inspired the Prime Minister of India as “Main Bhi Chowkidar” after the Pulwama Attack. The campaigns were pulled down to the Indian Railways when the slogan Main Bhi Chowkidar was in passenger tea cups and finally in the railway tickets with “Sabke Liye Awas”. Finally contractor and four Officers from Indian Railways has been suspended for the campaigns on Narendra Modi.
Source:News 18
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- 16 Apr 2019
- WerIndia