Filthy Hindus -Old Video Of Palestine Islamic Scholar Calling For Eradication Of Hindus Surfaces

Jerusalem palestine
Photo courtesy: Hindu Post

Amidst the Israel-Hamas war, several videos of sermons given at the Al-Aqsa mosque from the past have been surfacing on and off on social media platform X. Recently a video of an anti-India rally that took place at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on 10 June 2022 surfaced on X a few days ago. This video seems to have been shot in the aftermath of the Nupur Sharma incident from 2022. In this video, there are several hundreds of people gathered in a group are seen chanting, “Hindus, you filthy Hindus… Muhammad is the master of all people! Say Allah Akbar!”


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  • 7 Nov 2023
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