Foreign Support – Illegal Islamic Conversion Racket In India Had Received Rs 150 Crore In Foreign Funding, Reveals Uttar Pradesh ATS

Foreign Support - Illegal Islamic Conversion Racket In India Had Received Rs 150 Crore In Foreign Funding, Reveals Uttar Pradesh ATS
Photo courtesy: Opindia

The Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) of Uttar Pradesh police investigating religious conversion scam by Islamic scholar Maulana Kaleem Siddiqui and others have claimed to have detected the flow of foreign funds worth Rs 150 crore for the racket. While the investigation is underway, the above fund detected so far was invested in the illegal religious conversion activities in India. The fund mainly originated from Gulf countries Bahrain, Britain, Turkey and others.


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  • 18 Oct 2021
  • WerIndia

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