Forest Dwellers And Tribal Of Assam Petition Hearing At Supreme Court Of India

Forest Dwellers And Tribal Of Assam Petition Hearing At Supreme Court Of India
Photo courtesy: Time8

Supreme Court of India is going to hear Assam, Center ’s request on retaining the stay order on the forest dwellers who are about 11.8 lakh tribals and traditional forest dwellers living for decades. The right for the forest land has been cancelled under the Act 2006, Recognition of forest rights.
About 21 states have been asked to inform about their rejection in forests dwelling, ultimately on Urgent basis, Chief secretaries were ordered to file affidavits on the cause against of rejecting orders, eviction or non eviction. The entire matter of the tribals and traditional forest community will be headed by the Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi. The hearing will be held on Thursday, 28th February, 2019.

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  • 27 Feb 2019
  • WerIndia

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