HIJAB Today, Education Tomorrow & Forcing Greater Separatism in Communities & Country…

As Supreme Court Lawyer Khan explained, for decades muslim girls had no issue but suddenly there is issue with Hijab. The Karnataka Education Act enacted in 1983 requires uniformity in dress code in educational institutions. And a separate but related issue is Why non-muslims are forced to wear sherwani and salwar kameez in Aligarh Muslim University and Jamia Millia Islamia?
As has been explained article 25 gives the right to wear anything especially in private setting, but NO RIGHT IS ABSOLUTE AND THIS RIGHT DOES NOT CARRY OVER TO PUBLIC PLACES INCLUDING SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES.
The bigger issue is the Hijab issue could be used to stroke separatism between communities. After this issue, we could have:
- Demand for separate classrooms
- Then holiday on Friday and not Sunday.
- Demands for Halal certification (by nature non-muslims cannot be employed in making the products) on All products including Rice, Flour, Hair products and more …
- And in future even Education Girls & Women could be restricted like in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries.
And while talking about Hijab, the extremist community is pushing Niqab – Burqa- you can see from the images shared.
And with this the push to Separatism to Extremists to Terrorists.
Per our constitution, when rights of communities collide like now, the law of the land prevails, and religion is not above the law of the land. “Article 51A of the constitution talks about the duties. It is the responsibility of every citizen of India to come forward and raise voice against separatism.”
Read more at: https://www.opindia.com/2022/02/supreme-court-lawyer-subuhi-khan-lashes-out-at-pro-jihab-movement/
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- 23 Feb 2022
- WerIndia