‘Hindu voices being silenced’ | Bangladesh Violence: ISKCON Seeks Explanation From Twitter For Shutting Down Two Accounts

'Hindu voices being silenced' | Bangladesh Violence: ISKCON Seeks Explanation From Twitter For Shutting Down Two Accounts
Photo courtesy: Republic world

The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) organisation which is at the helm of protests against attacks on Hindu temples in Bangladesh has now questioned Twitter after two of its accounts were apparently unavailable. Taking to the microblogging website, ISKCON has demanded Twitter to issue a clarification on why the accounts of ISKCON Bangladesh and the Bangladesh Hindu Unity Council are unavailable.


 Read more at: https://www.republicworld.com/technology-news/social-media-news/bangladesh-violence-iskcon-seeks-explanation-from-twitter-for-shutting-down-two-accounts.html


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  • 20 Oct 2021
  • WerIndia

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