Home Delivery Of Liquor Idea Postponed As Faces Karnataka Flood Crisis

Karnataka is already affected by the flood and almost all regions of the place are under bad condition several tea states have washed away and houses have driven away in the flood. In this situation the Excise Minister had suggested an idea of home delivery of the liquor, CM Yediyurappa has declined the topic considering it as one more controversial topic for the media while in Karnataka Flood crisis.
The CM dialed H Nagesh, said that it was a bad idea to address the press at the time of Karnataka flood crisis. Though liquor home delivery can be a good idea as there is a great demand of liquor that will help in economical development but risk factors of being paid by the already booze up guys can be problematic or end in free deliveries without identity cards. Risk and payment factors cannot be similar to other e-commerce industry.
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- 5 Sep 2019
- WerIndia