India Cricket Team Manager Sunil Subramanium Asked To Return Back

Sunil Subramaniam retired at the age of 34 from playing competitive cricket on 2001. He took up for the team manager administration was on 2017 for India cricket team. Due to his misbehavior he has been asked to return back to the country. ‘Don’t flood me with messages’ was his reply when High commission in Trinidad and Tobago wanted to get in touch for co-operation.
Subramanium was ordered to cooperate with the superiors of Indian High Commissions in Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago for a shooting on Water Conservation, an important project of Indian Government. The India Cricket Team Manager will be barred from the position. The matter shattered when the bureaucrat reached the CoA Chief Vinod Rai against his irresponsible behavior of the team manager of India cricket.
Source: India Today
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- 14 Aug 2019
- WerIndia