India Terms UK’s New Vaccine Policy Is Discriminating And Warns Of Reciprocal Action

Inda Terms UK’s New Vaccine Policy Is Discriminating And Warns Of Reciprocal Action
Photo courtesy: Pgurus
  • The U.K. last week announced that fully vaccinated individuals from a list of 17 countries and territories will not have to quarantine upon arrival in England.
  • Missing from the list was India, where the predominant Covid vaccine used in the country is identical to the one developed by Oxford University and British-Swedish pharma giant AstraZeneca.
  • India’s Foreign Secretary Harsh V Shringla called the U.K.’s decision not to recognize the Indian version of the vaccine “discriminatory” and warned of reciprocal measures, though he did not elaborate.


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  • 1 Oct 2021
  • WerIndia

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