‘It Is Known As A Biased Organization With Political Agenda’: India Firmly Rejects USCIRF Report On Religious Freedom In India

Randhir Jaiswal
Photo courtesy: OpIndia

India on Thursday rejected the report of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom that accused the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of “reinforcing discriminatory nationalist policies” and said the organisation is completely ‘biased’ and it doesn’t even expect from the organization to understand country’s diverse, pluralistic and democratic ethos.


“The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is known as a biased organization with a political agenda. They continue to publish their propaganda on India masquerading as part of an annual report,” Ministry of External Affairs official spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said at a press briefing on Thursday.


Read more at: https://www.opindia.com/2024/05/india-firmly-rejects-uscirf-report-on-religious-freedom-in-india/


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  • 3 May 2024
  • WerIndia

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