Kerala Nun Sister Lucy refuses to withdraw case against senior despite death threats
Kerala nun, Sister Lucy Kallappa was one of the protestors against the rape accused Bishop Franco. Sister Lucy was issued a notice to leave her congregation because of her stance. The congregation said that she was being expelled on issues on disciplinary grounds. Sister Lucy defied the orders and also filed a police complaint against her senior for mistreating her and was locking her up in a room. She has been receiving death threats and she has been ordered to withdraw the police complaint against her senior. Despite this Sister Lucy has refused to withdraw the case and said that she would continue staying in her premises even if the other members of her congregation try to force her out. Rape perpetrators must be punished irrespective of their identity. People must be allowed to voice their opinions against injustice and wrongs in society without feeling threatened.
Source: Twitter
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- 24 Aug 2019
- WerIndia