Mamta Banerjee Has Now Crossed All Limits By Stating This

Bengal UN
Photo courtesy: TFI Post

West Bengal’s Chief Minister, Mamta Banerjee, has taken a bold and controversial stance on the ongoing crisis in Bangladesh. During a recent “Martyrs’ Day” rally in Kolkata, held amid heavy rain, Mamta expressed her willingness to offer shelter to those fleeing violence in the neighboring country. She emphasized that if people in distress knock on Bengal’s door, they will not be turned away. This declaration has sparked intense debate and drawn attention to the complex issues surrounding refugee politics in India. Mamta highlighted the importance of respecting refugees, citing UN resolutions as a basis for her position. She stated, “Neighbours will respect refugees“. Additionally, Mamta promised support for Bengal residents with relatives caught in the turmoil in Bangladesh.


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  • 23 Jul 2024
  • WerIndia

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