Many Villages In Uttarakhand Ban Entry To Muslims

Uttarakhand Ban
Photo courtesy: Sanatan Prabhat

In some villages of Uttarakhand, locals have decided to ban Muslims from entering. The villagers unanimously put up a ‘no entry’ board outside their village. A clear instruction has been given to Muslim hawkers not to enter the village. Violators of this rule will be charged a fine of Rs 5,000. Locals clarified that this decision was taken for the safety of Hindu women. Villagers have been advised to nab any suspicious person seen without an identity card and hand him over to the Police. Most of these villages are from the Rudraprayag District of the State. The villagers of Gaurikund, Triyuginarayan, Mekhanda, Shersi and Nyalsu have put up these boards outside their villages.

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  • 13 Sep 2024
  • WerIndia

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