‘Mumbai’s New Subway – Cutting Its Belly To Make It… An Engineering & Human Challenge

The world’s newest and most complex subway is being built hundreds of meters below Mumbai. 8,000 people are working 24 hours a day using 17 boring machines each more than 100 meters to build the 34 kilometer long, 27 station underground subway system. It has faced every possible challenge imaginable – flooding, repeated court challenges due to noise or potential risk to buildings, work stoppage, damage to religious places, land acquisition challenges, deaths being blamed on the projects, and relocating people into multi-story buildings from government’s forest land and then teaching such affected people as to how to use gas connections (as before they were using firewood), internet and many others.
The project which only started in 2016 should be completed by 2021 is progressing now on plan at the rate of more than 1.5 kilometers per day. Hope Mumbaikars would be grateful for the completion of a moderful, technologically complex subway system – and today of course all are being inconvenienced even as the thousands of workers are working hard toiling away to finish this project.
Source: The Wall Street Journal
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- 14 Jan 2019
- WerIndia