Must Read! ‘Thousands Of Illegal Rohingyas, Bangladeshis Settled In UP With Fake Documents’: Arrested Zeeshan Reveals Vast Network

Photo courtesy: Organiser

On July 26, the Uttar Pradesh ATS unveiled alarming details, revealing that fake birth certificates were being produced in several districts to facilitate the illegal settlement of Rohingya Muslims. This revelation came to light after the UP Police interrogated Zeeshan, who had been arrested by Rae Bareli police for creating counterfeit certificates. Zeeshan, who was implicated in forging documents in Palahi and Nooruddinpur villages of Rae Bareli, was found to be operating on behalf of a gang. This gang provided him with a list of Rohingyas and Bangladeshis in need of fake identity certificates for their settlement in India.

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  • 30 Jul 2024
  • WerIndia

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