Narendra Modi Slogan And Supporters In the Lower Middle Class Of Western Uttar Pradesh

Narendra Modi Slogan And Supporters In the Lower Middle Class Of Western Uttar Pradesh
Photo courtesy: NDTV

While the farmers are struggling because of late entry of arrears on the other hand the closing of all the slaughter houses by the BJP Government has provided cleanliness and peace. Few find that the development is incomparable when any one looks into the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna that is providing an calculative amount less to the loan or capital used for building or buying of their houses or apartments for lower middle class.

Ayushman Yojna has been a beneficial step that has given relief to several for better treatment within particular recommended government hospitals.

Altogether Narendra Modi has won the heart of most of the people providing the few benefits on health and housing in all over India.

Source: Swarajya Mag

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  • 11 Apr 2019
  • WerIndia

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